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SSMS Adv - Search for multiple columns that exists in one table

Below is a simple solution as to how you can find tables from a database that have two (or more) specific columns. I have divided 3 different scenarios for you to use. They are seemingly out of order, but I have set it up specifically to first show the code to search for 2+ columns that exists in one table. This is probably one of the most useful statement(s) I have ever written, I hope you find it useful!

Primary Reference:

DB_NAME = This function returns the name of a specified database

SCHEMA_NAME = Returns the schema name associated with a schema ID

SYS.COLUMNS = Returns a row for each column of an object that has columns, such as views or tables

SYS.TABLES = Returns a row for each user table in SQL Server

SYS.VIEWS = Contains a row for each view object, with sys.objects.type = V

LIKE = Used to compare a value to similar values using the wildcard operators

% = Matches one or more characters

Scenario 1: Look for tables that have both columns: Like Order Date and Amount.

Scenario 2: Look for tables that have these 3 columns: Like Order Date, Amount, Name.

To do this all I added was another join and expanded the 'ON' statement. It is important to expand, this will eliminate potential duplicates.

Scenario 3: Look for tables that have this column: Like Name

This is the simplest form of lookup as it only looks for tables that have 1 criteria.


/* Query Name: SQL Search for columns that exists in one table

Created By:*/

USE Sample --- Update with Database Name


dbname = DB_NAME(),

schma = SCHEMA_NAME(a.schema_id),

tbl =,

col1 =,

test = CONCAT('select top 10 * from ',DB_NAME(),'.',SCHEMA_NAME(a.schema_id),'.',

FROM sys.tables a

JOIN sys.columns b ON a.object_id = b.object_id

WHERE 1 = 1

AND like '%amount%' -- Update with '%nameofcolumn%'

IMPORTANT: This query will only show result from tables. If you only have access to 'Views' then change sys.tables to sys.views.

What to Study:




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