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Macro to obtain file names from a folder

This macro will allow you to pull file names from a specific folder. This is especially helpful when you have several research projects which involves file names (order numbers, loan numbers, client name, etc). Just copy-paste the code below into the VBA Module.


Sub ObtainFileName()

'Obtain file names from a folder


Dim SysObj As Object

Dim Folder As Object

Dim FileName As Object

Dim i As Integer

Set SysObj = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")

Set Folder = SysObj.GetFolder("C:\Users\FolderLocationSample\") 'Change this to folder location

'cells( i + 1 ,1) this just represents which column filenames will be dropped

For Each FileName In Folder.Files

Cells(i + 1, 1) = FileName.Name

i = i + 1

Next FileName

End Sub



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